4 - 7 September 2025

Burghley 2018 M Lewis107

Health & Safety Policy Statement

The following statement sets out our year round policy which is also applicable on Event and in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other Regulations.

Burghley Horse Trials Ltd has in place a management structure that ensures that responsibility for health and safety is allocated and carried out at an appropriate level. Many of those responsible for health and safety in particular areas of the Event are volunteers, but this in no way lessens either their responsibility or Burghley Horse Trials’ support for them.

Burghley Horse Trials Ltd retains the services of ACT (National) Ltd to provide competent Health and Safety advice and support year round and to include the provision of a Safety Officer during the Event.

It is the policy of Burghley Horse Trials Ltd to conduct its operations in such a way as to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of any person employed in connection with the Event and all other persons who may be affected by its undertaking. In particular the commitment shall extend to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practical:

  • the provision and maintenance of plant, machinery, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
  • the provision and maintenance of arrangements for the handling, storage, transport, use and disposal of articles and substances that are safe and without risk to health
  • the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure the health, safety and welfare of all persons working at or visiting the site
  • the working environment of all employees is without risk to health and adequate facilities and arrangements are made for welfare at work
  • effective communication channels are established and maintained throughout the organisation to promote all aspects of health, safety and welfare
  • compliance with all statutory requirements and, where appropriate, there is close liaison with the enforcing authorities
  • suitable and sufficient risk assessments are made and the risk control measures identified as necessary are implemented within a reasonable time scale and on a priority basis
  • the health and safety of visitors to the Event and its facilities.

Whilst Burghley Horse Trials Ltd acknowledges that managing health and safety risk is primarily their responsibility, the co-operation of all employees, contractors, sub-contractors and other organisations connected with the Event is vital to the achievement of the policy objectives. Furthermore each individual should remember that they have a personal responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of those around them. Accordingly it is the responsibility of all persons to promptly raise health and safety concerns and to report all accidents and incidents without delay.

The Horse Trials Director named in this programme has ultimate responsibility for the health & safety of those working at or attending the Event. An appropriate management structure and arrangements have been put in place to ensure that the objectives set out in the health & safety policy statement are achieved.

Officials All officials, spectators, visitors, contractors, competitors and exhibitors are required to co-operate with the event management team to help ensure that these objectives are achieved and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. Any person who has safety concerns or who becomes aware of a hazard should report this immediately to an official. Stewards and Officials are briefed to conduct themselves so as not to put themselves or others at risk and to maintain control of the area round their location. Risk assessments have been carried out and will form the basis of the briefing of the officials prior to and during the four days of the Event.

Spectators/Visitors Spectators and visitors should ensure that they observe all safety signs and notices, and that they follow the instructions of the stewards and officials either in person or via the public address system. A map is contained in the programme showing the different parts of the event site, the routes around it, and the location of suitable viewing areas.

Spectators and visitors are advised that due to the uneven and in parts irregular terrain at this event, it may at times be difficult for spectators to move around freely and easily, particularly for some people with impaired mobility. All spectators are advised to wear appropriate footwear.

Spectator Safety

  • Signs clearly direct spectators to all parts of the event site and warn of hazards where appropriate
  • Where reasonably practicable fences and barriers are provided to segregate pedestrians from equine and vehicle areas. Places where horse routes cross pedestrian routes are staffed and during the cross country whistle blasts are used to alert all persons that a horse is approaching
  • Spectators are responsible for taking appropriate care to ensure their own health and safety (e.g by using designated pedestrian routes), and to ensure that children and other vulnerable persons (e.g disabled, elderly) are supervised. It is a condition of entry that spectators are required to follow the instruction of Event staff, and to observe all signs and notices
  • Spectators are advised to wear sensible footwear (suitable for the ground and weather conditions) when attending the event
  • A general risk assessment is carried out to identify hazards and the necessary controls
  • The Event site, including grandstands etc., is inspected each day and where necessary preventative and corrective actions taken to ensure safety standards are maintained
  • Crowd conditions are monitored throughout the Event by the Safety Steward and other Officials

Contractors and Sub Contractors must observe the requirements of the ‘Site regulations and Contractor Safety’ booklet published by and available from the Burghley Horse Trials Office

Exhibitors are responsible for the safety of their trade stands and the risks that they may pose to other persons working at or attending the event. All exhibitors are required to produce a risk assessment for their activities and the stands will be inspected by our Health & Safety Officers during the course of the event. Even with comprehensive Health & Safety arrangements in place, it is possible that accidents and emergencies may occur during the event. Accidents involving horses and competitors are well catered for, and the officials will immediately summon the emergency services when required.

Accidents and Emergencies Accidents not connected with the equestrian competition (e.g. involving members of the public) will be dealt with by the on-site emergency services. If you sustain an injury or require medical treatment please contact an official without delay.

When necessary, additional emergency services may be summoned by the appropriate officials. A major incident plan is in place.

Off Road Vehicles For the purposes of the Horse Trials Burghley Park is a public place and drivers are therefore reminded that some vehicles (including “off road” vehicles) may be legally required to be registered, taxed, insured and where necessary to hold a current MOT certificate. All drivers are advised to check the status of their vehicle to ensure they are complying with all relevant legal requirements.

Disclaimer of Liability All badges, car park labels and hospitality packages are sold subject to the Organisers reserving the right to refuse admission to Burghley Park to any person, or to withdraw permission at any time to remain in the Park, and shall not be required to give any reason for such action. Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Organisers or anyone whom they in law responsible , neither the Organisers, Burghley Horse Trials Limited, British Eventing Limited, the Trustees of Burghley Estate, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, grooms, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. The Organisers shall not be liable in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the abandonment, cancellation or postponement of Defender Burghley Horse Trials, or any such eventuality.

Barbecues and Campfires (and open fires within structures)

To prevent the risk of fires and damage to the ancient parkland, the use of barbecues, (other than gas barbecues,) open fires and fire pits is not permitted anywhere on site.

Where gas barbecues are used:

  • The barbecue must be located at least four metres from any temporary or permanent structure and any combustible material.
  • If the barbecue is on grassland, suitable protection must be provided to prevent scorching of the grass.
  • When cooking has finished, the barbecue must be extinguished.
  • A means of extinguishing the barbecue – a suitable fire extinguisher - must be provided conveniently to hand

BHT reserves the right to extinguish or remove any barbecue that is considered to cause a hazard or is a potential source of annoyance to others.

Open fires (campfires, fire pits etc.) are strictly prohibited within Burghley Park.

Electrical Safety

Generators – The Organisers reserve the right to remove generators that do not meet the following requirements:

  • Private generators with noise suppression may be used within the Members’ Caravan Park provided they are not considered to be an unacceptable fire risk and are not a source of annoyance or nuisance.
  • All generators must be regularly serviced, in good condition and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • When refuelling, all generators should be positioned at least three metres away from combustible material, to allow fumes to disperse without causing a hazard and to allow for safe refuelling of the generator.
  • The person responsible for the generator must provide a suitable and readily accessible fire extinguisher close to each generator

Petrol and Diesel Fuel

Petroleum spirit must be stored in approved containers with a maximum capacity of 10 litres permitted. All containers must be clearly marked to identify their contents.

Petroleum spirit and diesel fuel may only be handled by persons aged 16 or over. Smoking is strictly prohibited during refuelling and while handling petroleum spirit or diesel fuel. Refuelling of vehicles and generators must take place at least three metres from combustible materials, including tents, awnings and any other temporary building. The engine must be switched off prior to the commencement of refuelling. Where there is a risk of fuel splashing onto hot engine or exhaust parts sufficient time must be allowed for the parts to cool prior to refuelling. A funnel must be used to reduce the risk of splashing.

Personal Security and Other Information

Members are advised to lock and secure doors and windows of both vehicles and caravans when leaving their pitch at any time. Members must report all accidents and incidents to the Steward as soon as possible, thank you. One set of the following is located at each shower block : 1 x H O extinguisher, 1 x CO  extinguisher, 1 x fire bell, 1 x sand bucket.