From A 3 Donkeys to Z Zaini, the shopping sensation that highlights the acknowledged finale to the close of the summer season – Defender Burghley Horse Trials. The all important Christmas Shopping starts here followed by the equally important purchases for self, horses and dogs. Enjoy every moment!
Shops open daily 9.00am - 5.30pm, Thursday - Saturday, 9.00am - 5.00pm Sunday

A Love and a Kiss
Children's traditional toys and gifts.
https://www.aloveandakiss.co.uk Phone: 07790531934

Almost Unwearoutable
Bespoke, made to measure jumpers, shooting stockings and knitwear
https://www.almostunwearoutable.com Phone: 08445 044 054
Premium homeware, sustainably made from recycled Ankole cattle horn.
https://www.ankole.co.uk Phone: 07841 471 738
Anthony Steuart
Extensive range of waste bins, home accessories and kitchen textiles
https://anthonysteuart.com Phone: 01327 860 070
Ayr Equestrian
Exclusive equestrian wear for horse and rider
https://www.ayrequestrian.com Phone: 01292 266 267
Baileys Horse Feeds
Problem solving feed solutions made by horseowners, for horseowners
https://www.baileyshorsefeeds.co.uk Phone: 01371 850247
Bates Saddles
Saddle innovations to optimise your horse's comfort and performance
https://www.batessaddles.com Phone: 01865 670888

Big Bear Trailers
Suppliers of stunning Cheval Liberte Horse Trailers.
https://www.bigbearoutdoor.co.uk Phone: 01832 770 888
Family owned fine jewellery brand founded in 1798
https://www.boodles.com Phone: 020 7437 5050
Bramblecrest Garden Furniture
Adding style to outdoor living since 2000
https://www.bramblecrest.com/accessories/pots-planters/?msclkid=4136495b7b6510a3c5f62fea92d8f133&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Tale_PMax2023_Covers_Cushions_Pots_MSN&utm_term=www.bramblecrest.com&utm_content=Pots Phone: 01285 760 974
Brass Tacks
Brass engraved nameplates, English leather headcollars, dog collars & leads
Bredon Hill Country
Premier Country Clothing & Footwear Stockist
www.bredonhillcountry.co.uk Phone: 01386 881688
The best country clothing in the country
https://www.brocklehursts.com Phone: 01629 812089