5-8 September 2024

Burghley CSR Pantone349 01


Sustainability is a central focus of the Burghley Estate and the horse trials. Here is what we are doing and planning for the future – and how you can help

A shared commitment

Burghley Estate and Burghley Horse Trials share a mutual commitment to improving sustainability. Burghley House has taken a brilliant lead, running workshops and setting up a Sustainability Champions group. It’s marked a range of milestones including diverting 100% of green and brown waste to compost — segregating waste through its own waste management centre — thus also reducing the amount of compost purchased each year for the gardens and grounds.

This is backed up by a host of initiatives from switching to LED lighting, planting new orchards and native woodland within the Queen’s Green Canopy project; and putting almost 500 acres of woodland into the Countryside Stewardship Scheme to protect and enhance it and more.

Waste handling at Burghley

Defender Burghley believes also believes it’s crucial that none of the waste from the Horse Trials goes into landfill. Our waste disposal partner, M J Church, has extended its sustainability focus by opening a new material recovery facility to do more recycling than before and investing in electric vehicles to collect rubbish

Our catering partners

Freemans Event Partners run the food stalls at the horse trials and work closely will all their food partners to ensure no single-use plastic is sold on site. They also support our waste contractors at the event by delivering recycling solutions to all heir outlets. Although there is precise stock level management to minimise food waste, any food surplus is donated to local food banks and charities.

Shopping village sustainability heroes

If you’re a Burghley Horse Trials retailer with a carbon negative or neutral business, expertise in recycling or upcycling materials or which otherwise goes above and beyond to be as environmentally friendly as possible, please consider entering the 2024 Tradestand Sustainability Award.

Entries may be made HERE at the time of booking your tradestand and judging takes place on event with the winner receiving a Burghley Horse Trials plaque.