Mike Tucker 1944-2018
We were all greatly saddened to hear of the sudden death of Mike Tucker. Mike was the voice of equestrian sport for decades. His depth of knowledge, irrepressible humour and distinctive tone ensured his popularity amongst riders, their connections and the general public alike. Outside broadcasting he made a significant contribution to the sport and was a British Eventing board member from 1999-2005.

Mike’s links to Burghley Horse Trials stretch back to 1966 when he first helped at the event during the World Championships. In subsequent years he went on to become a regular competitor at Burghley before being appointed to design the cross country course for the European Championships held at Burghley in 1997 and he designed the course again in 2001. He subsequently commentated for many years at our event and when BBC commitments took over he still remained lead commentator for the Dubarry Burghley Young Event Horse Final.
A huge and much loved character, Mike was a true friend and will be much missed by us all. Our condolences go out to his family.