5-8 September 2024

Burghley image

Plastic Reduction at Defender Burghley

With Defender Burghley’s commitment to reducing single-use plastic at the event in mind, we would like to advise all those on our accredited media list to bring your own refillable water bottles to this year’s event. These can be refilled from large water coolers provided in the Media Centre.

Please also feel free to bring re-usable cups with lids for hot drinks.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 11:15
DSC 3990

With Defender Burghley’s commitment to reducing single-use plastic at the event in mind, we would like to advise all those on our accredited media list to bring your own refillable water bottles to this year’s event. These can be refilled from large water coolers provided in the Media Centre.

Please also feel free to bring re-usable cups with lids for hot drinks.