Shetlands At Home Competition Now Open
Shetlands To Feature In Burghley Weekend Gallery

Do you own or ride a Shetland? Now is the time for them to star in our Shetlands At Home Gallery on the Burghley Weekend website!
We know how popular the Shetland Pony Grand National is at Defender Burghley so this year we are asking you to send in photos of your Shetlands At Home to star here on the website during *Defender Burghley Weekend. Please do also tell us about their personality!!
The winner will receive a Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons Equine First Aid Kit, Rossdales branded goodies and a Tour of the World-Renowned Rossdales Equine Hospital (to be arranged in 2021 once Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted).
Click here for details on how to enter. We can't wait to see your photos!!
*Defender Burghley Weekend takes place from Friday 4th -Sunday 6th September, with a feature Programme here on the website at 3pm on Sunday 6th September.